Update on that one game

Published 2024-02-20
FAQ I see a lot:

Q: When is Over Borders going to be shared on Scratch?
A: It's not and it never will be. It's only being hosted on its own website. The game is so large that even one Clan path is too large for Scratch to handle, so it's impossible to be on Scratch anyway.

Q: When's the next Queen's Mystery chapter going to be out?
A: Like the studio says, I don't set dates for any of the chapters because I get to them when I get to them. You can see updates here https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33542234

Q: Can I do [insert shipping material] with Ace x Ceris or Ace x Moose?
A: Ace is an adult; Ceris is a child. Stop shipping them. It's illegal and gross. Ace is also aromantic and Moose sees their best friend as more of a brother-figure than a love interest. So, please respect the fact that not every two characters that make eye contact are in love.

Q: Could you add a black cat or ginger cat to Kit to Leader?
A: I made this more obvious in this version of the game, but no one in Sliverstone's family is a black cat or a ginger cat, so all the options will be variants of red, white, and silver. That's it.

Q: Do you f4f or do studio invites?
A: Never did; never will.

Q: [Advertises]
A: Ah ha. That's not a question. But please remember that advertising outside the Discussions page and advertising studios is against the Community Guidelines since it's considered as spam, so don't do that.