all my fellas

Published 2024-04-16
wowie 1 year i'm old i've gotten a lot better at animating in that time! i dare you to look at my first project >:D

[insert inspiring speech about being on scratch one year]

Just a shoutout to all my friends!

great scratcher and super nice, my many accounted friend xD

it was great to meet you, and i was able to say i knew you when you blew up. Keep scratching!

one of the first people i met on scratch, you seem to not be as active anymore, but you are still a friend. One of 3 scratchers who know my name >:)

a best friend irl and on scratch, you are amazing and underrated keep going the fame will come :)

nice to meet you, peasen- cOuGh friend

what happened to the oreo? xD

-@who_stole_my_kirb21 and @marloqs
super underrated lets get you guys where you deserve

super nice scracher, keep on going!

see you on trending >:D

my favorite scratcher thank you for inspiring me

-sorry to these last few you did not fit in the picture, but you guys are still my friends xD

met you on yeetachu's profile, keep on scratching

one of by best friends irl, please be more active xD

you were the 2nd person i was friends with on scratch, way back on my first account. Keep going!

tell me if I forgot you ._.