The Adventures of Mr. Man Guy 3

Published 2016-09-07
It's FINALLY out, and in fact, it took SO LONG to make, that people thought I was dead. But I guess that's normal.
The long-awaited (but not really, at all) sequel to the massively successful (I'm lying, here) series of games focused on Mr. Man Guy.
I apologize for any lag troubles you may encounter, this is a pretty big game.

=Fun Fax=
- This game underwent many changes, the biggest one being of its artstyle. It was originally going to use 16-bit sprites, but I wanted the artstyle to be more unique, and when presented with the opportunity to do so, why pass it up?
- The music is also 8-bit-esque, which is a thing I kept from the old style. It was originally going to go with the sprites, but even after the change, I thought it'd be cool to keep chiptune sounding music with cartoony graphics.
- This game has technically been in development for over a year, but I took a long break, and only recently, within the past 5 months or so, came back to work on it again.