Escape The Office: Part 3 Teaser 2

Publicado 2023-10-30
Breaking News:
In a recent event some are calling "cataclysmic" a impromptu power surge resulted in a complete overload of the entirety of Bellsprice without power for three whole days. This proved to be devastating as the construction projects along Route 23 were disrupted, same with the Peterson Hospital. Police and Electricians alike are unsure of what could've caused this-

Morris, just what is wrong with you? This is the fourth person you said was this supposed "guide" to help the "Chosen".
Listen man, I know we're friends and all, but this whole thing has got me a little skeptical. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep up this act, do you know how hard it is to lie to your beloved? I'll tell you, it's no cakewalk. I'm starting to get tired of staging these kidnappings to get these people. If this Matthew guy isn't the one we want, count me out.

Last Seen 12/08