(3)Characters for Anime

Note: The series focuses about equally on the adventures of both twins. Andrea and William. Andrea has more funny moments and action moments. William has more romance moments, as he is always finding himself in a situation where he has to help someone in love.


Frank: A pink porcupine/hedgehog. He can morph back and forth between the two forms.

Sarah: A blue lizard. She can detach her tail at will and grow a new one instantly whenever whe wants.

Andrea Johnson: One of the two main twins of the series. She was mysteriously born with purple eyes. She dyed her hair to match her eyes. Her favorite colors are white and purple.

William Johnson: One of the two main twins of the series. He playing video games and watching anime.

Tammy: A character younger than others in the series. Tammy is small, fast, and sneaky. She almost reminds you of a raccoon, like a mini ninja.

Stephanie: A cat that has a strange tuft of fur on her head and chest, and later in the series sprouts wings.

Virginia: A cotton candy-colored lizard with a red mark on her back left leg. Her front legs are half blue at the top and half pink at the bottom.

Carolyn: A raccoon. Later in the series she has a cape.