Get rich ~ Special Superpowers!

Publicado 2022-05-16
Changes made:
1) Added special powers for every skin except the buff skin. More details down.
2) ONE GEM subtracts the score.
3) Now you cannot buy powerups greater than your money
4) Some attacks made MORE EXPENSIVE.
5) Cooldowns are different for each power
6) Game now starts with the original skin other than the last selected skin.
7) High code edits. See inside.

- space to power up buff arms, which increase your size greatly.

- v to power up vacuum head, which sucks nearby purple gems

- d to power up dragon morph and dragon speed. Makes you INSANELY fast. About 10 seconds later the speed wears off and 5 seconds after that, the skin wears off.

- up arrow to power up dragon wings, which push gems away to the edges of the screen, making them get collected by collectors (edge). It has a drastic side effect though.....Gems move away from the character forever once activated. Sad.