SWC Memessss [haha yes i share project >:3]


first set of memes here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/508189644/fullscreen/

SOoooo I believed I had a whole system where people gave me meme ideas and I said I'd add them in, but pika - being the brilliant and smart child that she is - didn't keep a list. So. Apologieeesss :D Cherri's got in tho sooooo-

Meme templates from google. Yes, I hate that to be how I credit BUT DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO FIND THE OWNER OF A MEME TEMPLATE!? D:

-Song is another bites the dust from queen
-memes made by pika unless credited otherwise
-code by me
-a lot of people involved with swc that i should credit but that's a long list and im tired and this isn't even an official swc project just me messing around lol and i don't wanna dig around to get the complete list cuz then ill be sad im no in swc
-so ya thanks for viewing

hopefully at least one made you laugh

hydration matterrsssss