Lightningbug Rabbit - Chapter 2 - Office

Publicado 2021-11-03
Author's Notes
Chapter 2 baybeeeee! I finished this shortly after ch 1 but decided to wait a few days before posting again. Chapters will be made whenever I feel like it as well in whichever quality I wish. No schedule, No high standards just whenever and what ever I want. I really want to take this time to define our main quartet's characters so character building yey!! Firefly is getting the short end of the stick in this chapter. Hope you are enjoying it so far. Reminder that this isn't replacing ToPH I'm just taking a break from ToPH rn. It will be back.

For those of you who've heard - My dad is doing okayish now and we hope he is let out of the hospital on friday. Thanks for your support. It means alot. <3