A THIRD! Batch of 64 Random Questions how many more I swear

Q 56: What’s something you like that others don’t?
A: dream SMP ( I know a lot of people like it but all lot of people hate it for no reason)

Q 57: Do you have any stuffed animals you had as a baby?
A: yes one

Q 58: What’s a bad habit of yours?
A: biting my nails

Q 59: How did you find this project?
A: your my twin Lauren I know you posted it

Q 60: Have you ever reported a comment/project on Scratch?
A: yes half the time they were Accidental

Q 61: What’s a guilty pleasure of yours?
A: I watch a Marvel movie like ever night

Q 62: Are you tickles?
A: yes and I hate it so much

Q 63: What is the formula for water?
A: h2o

Q 64: Do you like legos?
A: yes

Remix this and tell me your answers!