Minecraft V6

Published 2015-03-18
Try this if it's too slow

V6 - Better mouse look controls and cursor added.
V5 - Objects added (flowers and grass). Sky added.
V4 - Texture maps added. Finally!
V3 - good speed up. should be less laggy
V2 - added new block types. New mouse controls.

*** WARNING ***
This is NOT a real game, it's more of an experiment. There are many problems with it.
* It's really laggy
* It looks terrible
* You can't look straight up or down
* It doesn't save

This uses ray casting to draw the world, like a multi-layered version of Wolfenstein 3D.

Credit to nXIII for his Simplex Noise script. I've used it to generate the terrain.

Credit to l8D for the mouse look controls idea. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/508302423/