MORE 64 random questions!

Publicado 2021-03-11
Q 33: Do you write stories? If so, how young were you when you wrote your first story?
A: yes I don't know maybe like 6-7 for school?

Q 34: Can you cross your eyes?
A: yes I scare people apparently

Q 35: What is your most popular project (in views)?
A: my Charity Meme stop looking at it it's bad

Q 36: Have you ever been on "What the community is loving" or "What the community is remixing"? (Or being featured!)
A: never T^T

Q 37: If you haven't been featured already, do you want to be?
A: yes

Q 38: Do you overthink things?
A: I don't think so I mean how so like response or logically or what type of overthink

Q 39: Have people vented to you before?
A: yes and I'll always let them that's what friends are for.

Q 40: Do you create nicknames for your friends/family members?
A: no I'm boring

Q 41: Do you know more than one language?
A: I know some French

Q 42: What color eyes do you like the most?
A: mine

Q 43: Have you dyed your hair before?
A: nope

Q 44: What's your zodiac sign?
A: Taurus

Q 45: How many ocs do you have?
A: I have no idea

Q 46: Which spelling do you prefer? Grey or Gray?
A: Gray

Q 47: Who's your first follower?
A: @TheHonestGalaxy

Q 48: Who was the first person YOU followed?

Q 49: What features do you want into Scratch?
A: to block remix's if yow want

Q 50: How did you find out about Scratch?
A: friends

Q 51: Do you have a song stuck in your head? If so, what is it/what line is it?
A: nope

Q 52: Do you need braces or have you had them?
A: not anymore as of 3 weeks ago

Q 53: What's your least favorite colour?
A: umm ?

Q 54: Family or friends?
A: Friend you can pick them

Q 55: Do you have a friend that you're more close to than the others?
A: yes

Q 56: Would you rather read online books or hard copy books?
A: hard copy books

Q 57: Can you fall asleep to the sound of rain?
A: yes

Q 58: What colour do you have the most of in your room?
A: blue

Q 59: Do you loop songs over and over or do you play a different song after one song is done?
A: loop :/

Q 60: What milestones are you close to (as in followers)?
A: 300

Q 61: Are you a patient person?
A: no

Q 62: What's your favorite thing to drink?
A: water

Q 63: Cheesecake or normal cake?
A: Cheesecake

Q 64: Vanilla or Chocolate?
A: Chocolate

Q 65: What's something you say a lot?
A: what?

Q 66: Do you fidget around a lot?
A: yes ADHD yay

Q67: Are you afraid of the dark?
A: no

Q 68: How forgetful are you on a scale of 1-10?
A: wait what'd you say?

Q 69: Did you answer my first project, "64 random questions"?
A: yeah I'm like the first one

Q 70: Do you have a lot of stuffed animals?
A: yes a who cart, why you may ask why not?