WAND Crew Auditions :3

EVERYTHING IS OPEN and it will be for a while so yeah audition!!
Hey everyone! Welcome to the Crew auditions for WAND
You can apply for:
Concept Artist
Background Artist
Just remix and follow the instructions on the slides! You can audition for as many as you like :3 Links to other work is also super appreciated! All the info should be in the project so I won't tell you again out here but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! :D
If you're auditioning for writer you can put it in the project slide or in the discription. Animators and artists should delete everything in the project and just put their stuff, it makes it much easier for me.

The music is Rosalina in the Observatory because it reminds me of a simpler time where I would wake up at 2 and play Royale High.

*if you are racist or anti-LGBTQ+ then please do not audition, thank you :3

(oh my gosh you guys it's the return of the :3)