Penguin Bounce! v2.3 (recreation)

@xamuil2 made a tutorial for the bounce effect on YouTube. Thank you!

I know there are a few bugs in this, here is a list just so you know:


- After 30 seconds spikes will appear on the floor, these will deal 1 damage since it knows your getting further in the game.
- Survive for 2 minutes to win the game and join @kingachu who has completed the game!

Once again, please enjoy :).

Version log:

v1.0 - Released!

v1.1 - Changed the fish to a heart, this will now give you an extra life rather than giving you points.

v1.2 - Fixed bugs where spikes will sometimes do 2 damage and sometimes do no damage.

v2.0 - Added an option to play the original game.

v2.1 - Changed the background to snow and added snow falling from the sky to give it a more realistic penguin habitat.

v2.2 - Made the game a little easier by lowering the maximum height of the spikes by 30, this should be easier to play and get higher scores.

v2.3 - Spikes speed increased by 1, spike maximum height increased to 75.