Complete AnimationClan Drawing!

Publicado 2020-07-03
I sketched this out in early May but finally was able to wrap it up just the other day!
Click to see progress and closeups c:

I usually don't post singular drawings by themselves, but this is one that took a l o t of time and reference gathering pffT
I think I took more time going on the hunt for character refs than doing the actual drawing, and now I have a huge folder of animationclan members mwahaha!!!

Of course I need to apologize to those who weren't able to be included - I made this with the idea of making sure everyone feels welcome in the family, but unfortunately as stated this was put together initially in May so it was before the recent groups of members were able to join us :<! There are a few who I was unable to reach out to, find a reference for, or were just no longer were able to be contacted, so a huge apology to them as well - most people in AC should be able to find themselves and if you absolutely cannot please do tell me!!! I would be happy to draw you to make it up!

With all the sad stuff aside I actually had a blast exploring everyone's characters and I was so fortunate to have such supportive people around as people joined me on little streams as I worked on this!! They were super fun and this experience surprisingly makes me motivated to do big group things in the future!!!! Thanks for making this drawing a fun experience!

Lastly!!! Oh geez this is a lot of words for a singular drawing but it was suggested that I use this as an attack on artfight so if you're seeing this, are in AC and have an artfight pleasepleaseplease do tell me what it is :> !

okay have a rad day!!!!
also I am the CEO of music box zelda music now (song is Song of Healing from Majora's Mask!)