Part 5 | great vacation

Spoilers for Chapter 1 Part 2 of Your Turn to Die !!

Did I crunch this all in one day? Maybe.
Why? Bee maps are too exciting

I hope that the colors are okay, I tried to make it as brown and muted as possible- that happens to be very hard with these rainbow heckin characters I did not put any thought into that PFFT

I started Your Turn to Die hoping it would help me fill the void in my heart from recently completing Danganronpa but it just made it ten times larger HFJKF

YTTD is a very great game though!! It's got horror and a really interesting story, it's definitely got my heart- I'm too attached to these characters. Like seriously
Expect more DR and zelda soon though i promise i'm in love with too many fandoms currently.

I love joe