
These are the Project Notes! Use this space to write about your project, give instructions or credit! You should always read the notes in a project!

Welcome to Scratch! Scratch is a programming software developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston. The software is free to use. Downloading Scratch is your first step into this community.

Besides being an easy-to-use, efficient software, Scratch also has a wonderful community of gamers, artists and designers! I made this project to welcome you here, and give you some tips to start off! Besides being able to comment, we also have a forum at http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/ to use to chat or find help. Or if you need help, just ask me! I'll be sure to lend a hand!

These are the instructions! Here write how to use the project! Make sure to say what keys to press or buttons to push to make the project work correctly!

Click the arrows to turn the page!

Here is the Credits! It's important to give credit when you borrow sprites, sounds, or scripts! You don't need to give credit for the samples included with the software, and some projects will tell you the contents are free to use and instruct you wether or not to credit.

Credit to CheddarGirl for the base!

The song is 'Let Me Be With You' by Round Table, from the Chobits anime.