The Candy Bar 5

Guys, JIM had a collab with KileyMeister! Check it out here!

KK sorry about the cheesy ending :P

Watch with captions here!

Well... *gasp* it's here. The Candy Bar 5... OMG THAT WAS HARD *dies*

PROJECT ASSIGNMENT: I feel spammy today. Give this project AS MANY TAGS AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE >:U

DOUBLE ASSIGNMENT: Peanut Butter or Jelly? YOU DECIDE. Tell me in comments! ^^

"Uhh yeah is this the chocolate factory?"
*(hangs up)*

Next projects: The Slumber Party (Two-part ATS) and then T&T Episodes 2 & 3

Got my piano. It comes with software. Can't install it on cpu. Must wait 'till new laptop. SIGH.

My powerful brain has conjured up a poem: Roses are red, Violets are blue, I'm allergic to flowers, so [bleep] YOU.

So I'm gonna make a Star-Spangled Banner Techno Remix for the 4th of July :P

*snore* *sno-* wha? Huh? Oh. I fell asleep on the internet again.

FIVE DOLLARR FOOTBALL ...sorry just had to :P

Complete Astro-Dex: Nar-Nar, Voltofly, Bronzai, Eggplanter, Octapon, Whisteel, Buzzz, Octapwn