Applecart: Star Wars (01-19-20)

Published 2023-06-12


As @zep has made changes in Pico-8 with updates (0.2.3), especially regarding scrolling the screen when too much text appears on it, I have since had to take this game and revamp it with new code so it will run correctly as it was not earlier with his latest version. With new code it does run properly now. Enjoy !


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This is the older cart that does not run correctly. Kept to show ZEP the difference between the two.

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Hello and welcome to APPLECART's 4th week running ! The challenge for this week was to make a Star Wars game based on an old Apple ][ game. You can find it and other entries HERE.

I suppose I went a little overboard when I wrote this cart. While it does indeed follow a good portion of the original 1970 game, there's a bit of an Easter Egg in there that can only be found by the most diligent game player AND programmer.

That's right, you might need to look at the source code itself to see how to - for instance - what button to press to change names of the pilot, critical to winning the game. And yes there is a big gala ending if you have the right pilot and shoot down enough enemies.

Find any secrets in the game ? Be the first to post them below.

Now @ScrubSandwich said he would be interested in beefing up my paltry music attempts and update this cart. At this time he is more than welcome to do so.

Commands. For the opening YES and NO question. Use (X) to change between YES and NO. Press (O) to accept that answer.

During gameplay use arrow keys to move your ship. If for instance the enemy is in the top-right-hand corner you want to press both DOWN and LEFT to move him in your sights.

Use the (O) button for laser and (X) for a photon torpedo. The torpedo counts 2 energy from your total but has a larger hitbox. There are several secrets in the game that can help you breeze through the levels quite rapidly. It's up to you to find them. Experiment !

Read the source-code too for even more secrets.

And enjoy the game ! And feel free to write your own type of this game including any previous Applecart submissions that of Alien Attack, Alien Invasion, and Bomber. All found HERE.