The destiny of Bob Ross

Published 2023-06-12

A happy little Top Down Game

"The Destiny of Bob Ross is about a famous artist which wants to signature Stuff of his fans.
Your task as Bob Ross is it to paint your colorful signature all over the Map and right to your
following Bois.

The game is in working progress and the release will be on 21st December 2017.
Updates will follow as well as the first playable version.

School of Games (Cologne) – Game Jam | 18.12.2017 – 21.12.2017
• Random groups out of 2
• Normally 1 Programmer and 1 Artist
-> Micha & Maxi

Title Screen:

The Map:



The final Map:

A happy little Preview of the game:

Well, we think we did it. Just right in time.
Here is the End Screen: