Easy Notepad

Published 2023-06-12

UPDATED: 10/01/18

Updated the font. Removed hard edges, softened them, expanded all images to be at least 7-pixels across, added some descenders, and completed the remaining drawing elements for the butterfly vector palette. Also installed standard PICO-8 licensing emblem and notification.

Details: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=31927

Updated to save all SRAM now. CSTORE() RELOAD()
This UPDATED cart (09-28-18) now takes advantage of the ability to save 4096-bytes externally, thus you have 17-pages to work in. Were you using only 256-bytes, you could only have a single 16x14 (224-bytes) text page to edit.

To see the original code and the ability to easily load and save 4096-bytes of permanent memory that works and is recorded in Immediate/ Splore/ EXE/ Linux/ Macintosh/ HTML/ JS as well as functions correctly in the browsers of Firefox/ Opera/ Google Chrome, go HERE:


To skip the logo, hold (Z) and tap it when the monkey appears. If this is your first time to see this cart, sit back and watch the show. :)

Quick Help:

Once the page appears with the light orange dots on it, you are ready to begin.

Arrow keys navigate. Move the cursor on the page mark at the bottom-left or bottom-right hand corners of the page and tap (Z) to move forwards or backwards a single page. Hold to repeat. You have 17-pages to work with.

In editor, press (Z) to bring up the character select. Press (Z) again to type that character. Staying in character select, hold (X) to show arrows left and right of select. From HERE still holding (X), press LEFT or RIGHT to select a new 5x5 character set.

The 5th set is icons with faces, emoticons, animals, and other ornaments.

Release (X) to return to character select. Tap (X) by itself to exit.

In editor, press (X) to erase the character beneath the cursor.

In editor, hold (Z) and (X) together to save your notepad work. You can test this by rebooting anywhere and in any console.

Information: Below are icons. After page is the page #. After that is the X/Y location of the cursor. After the "chip" icon is the amount of memory you have remaining to type in. If you are running it for the first time, you should have welcome text appear above and have 4070-bytes to type in.

These are the basic instructions. Look below for more details and information.

Any carts below this is for an earlier version of Easy Notepad and may not save your notepad work correctly if run Online. There are additional notes to the system, however.

Do you like what I've done here ? Click on the gray star above seen just to the right of the CC to show your appreciation !


Post your pictures online made with the butterfly or spider set by pressing [F1]. Show your old-school art ability ! :)

? note! i may remove the mary
miss spider vectors in place
of supporting the butterfly
shapes with 22 degree angle
triangles. what do you think?

? for now you have 6-keypads
next release will have option
to show basic or advanced

? next release will have true
paintbox - explained later

A labor of love ? Data entry. :)

Quite a bit going on here.

You have 34 text pages to work with. Uppercase/Lowercase letters, a few extra characters including some fun stuff.

== keyboard instrux ==

arrows navigate
[a] enter typing mode
[b] space, hold to repeat
[left+right] menu (not yet active)
[up+down] save work

arrows select character
[a] type this character
[a] hold to repeat
[b] tap to exit type mode
[b] hold for next font page

menu (not yet active):
left and right select option
up and down select line
[a] do this option
[b] exit menu

select the open door icon to
exit the program.

Changing pages ?

You have 34-pages to work with, working with 8192 bytes of persistent data. press (A) on any of the page tabs in the bottom left and right hand corners of the page.

I'm working on a menu that will make changing pages a lot easier. Gimme a sec will ya ? :)

Typing ?

The cursor always jumps back to the center after you enter a key. If it's the first font page, then that is letter M. Learn to type quickly this way. This is a text-entry method I developed back on the Apple ][ when I wanted to make a fancy name entry for high score.

By jumping to the center character each click, your brain learns in a short amount time how to type rapidly on this keypad.

Here's what I have left to do (icon bar w commands):

I'm also wondering if the little pink dots help or they should be removed to have a true blank white page for the notepad. What do you think ?

key (a)+(b) now save. press
(a) first. future release
will bring up menu of opts

got control box to move
intelligently if its in the
way of your typing

** hard work! greatly sped up
whole system by only
redrawing when necessary
shouldn't be necessary,
i'm running a quad-core!

extra chars flag, they only
appear if you trigger them
from the menu

fixed error where you could
type over page mark

made softer sound for change

tricky! got true diagonal
keystrokes working

got the hold (b) left+right
working to change font

made a retro 'butterfly' for
old-school character doodling

made a 'mary miss spider' set
of vertices for later page