Christmas Present Panic 2022

Published 2023-06-12

(v03 12-08-22)
TO LOAD THIS PICO-8 CART, in immediate mode, type: load #xmaspp

@ScrubSandwich: Greeting humanoids, this is the first game release from the group of SORCERY. We hope that you enjoy our humble release filled with Christmas cheer and winter shenanigans.

12-07-22: Hello ! I thought I would update this joint project Sorcery and myself worked on years ago with new Pico-8 v0.2.5c abilities.

For "Quick new game" press "P" anywhere, select it, and go straight to a new game.

Additionally after this you can select "P" then Reset Normal to reset the game to normal boot operation.

You can find the original post HERE:

Instructions are as follows:

Shoot the presents with Santa's teleporter Candy Cane gun to beam them directly to Santa's Sleigh.

Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to position Santa's cane gun.
Press 🅾️ to shoot with auto-fire.
Press ❎ for a single well-placed shot.

You get a bonus man if you can hit all presents without missing a hit on a level. Use the ❎ key for this for accurate shooting so you don't accidentally shoot again and miss for a close target.

Press DOWN for force-field for Santa's cane gun. Only good for the first few levels. If you lose a cane though on any level, you automatically get the force-field back though it vanishes again once you shoot.

It is possible to hit a single present and complete that whole level. I'll let you figure out how that is done. :)

If you can reach "Ceiling Zero" then the game is won, the wonky robot is destroyed, and you get the big gala ending story with a special note from Santa just for you. And yes, this game is a tribute to an old Apple ][ game called Ceiling Zero with mods to make it Christmas themed.


And please let us know if you found this game to be of fun !

Thank you !