Sky Wars The Holiday Setup Part 1


Originally was meant to be released during Christmas eve or day. But instead, I posted this on January 5th which is the 12th and final day of Christmas. Also, this is yet another big project I got so I'm going to have to separate this into two or three parts. Expect the next part to come on May 2nd or 4th and if there's a third part, I'm aiming for July 25th.

Special thanks to AriesStone, Jairex1997, VastrillianTheGreat, Drew Teasley, Starlander, portal master day zee, Andrew Goodguy, ChelseaCatGirl, Chloe Kingman and Crash Bandicoot Fan girl (let me know if you want names changed or if I made any casting errors) for being the voices of Voodood, Tread Head, Bash, Deja Vu, Fling Kong, Stealth Elf, Lincoln Loud, Star Strike, Lori, Luan, Lynn jr., Lola, Lily, Rita and Smolderdash. The rest of the cast will be in part 2 (and maybe 3).