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Zvi Horovitz

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Zvi Horovitzの説明

"Top UN court says Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories and settlements are illegal." July 19th 2024

In 1947, UN resolution 181 guaranteed Palestine independence, an Arab state, and UN membership. zionists betrayed international law. ‘israel’ is a British colonial invention. 'israel' never existed before the British mandate. 'israel' is a fake nation with no history. The first Jews to arrive in Palestine received a Palestine passport. False Jewish "Semitic" claims remain unsubstantiated according to history, archaeology, linguistics, and GENETICS. Jews are not Semites. Jews are genetically not from Palestine. Multiple genome studies prove this. Jews are Anti-Semites. Palestinians are Semites.

The occupation of Palestine is illegal. Apartheid is illegal. Mass murder is not self-defense. To claim self-defense, illegal zionists need to protect their actual homeland in Europe and leave Palestine. To lie, zionists are forced to be both anti-law and anti-science.

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