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Ash Stubbings

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Ash Stubbingsの説明

In the early hours of the morning on the 25th June 2018 I suffered a mild stroke. I used to be a Pyrogrography Artist. Now I cannot even write legibly. But I can hold a camera relatively steady, so I decided to 'take up' photography! This is what this channel is predominantly about. I am by no means an expert! But I am having fun, and photography has given me the new lease of life that I desperately needed! Some of my video's are just my photo's set to very cheesy music. Also I should mention that I do take photos of pretty much anything! I don't tend to stick to one genre. If it CAN be photographed IT WILL be photographed. Heck, I even have a macro shot of my toothbrush somewhere!
I will also make the odd video about our dog, Beanie-Bob among other topics. Indeed, sometimes I might even go completely off topic and made a video about something completely random! But that's me! I am a completely random kind of chap! Please enjoy my channel and feel free to 'like and subscribe'.

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