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Información sobre Zeal

The government only cares about money. All politicians are corrupt. Nature is horrific, without a purpose, and teaches us nothing. Women don't wanna take responsibility for their actions. There's no such thing as a "good" person. Humans are naturally evil creatures. There is no hope in humanity. Humanity commits the same heinous crimes or injustice repeatedly, just on different groups of people. So stop trying to be "happy". Block off your emotions. Emotions are nothing but obstacles anyways, as they're just chemical reactions in the brain. The best way to live your life is to not live at all. The universe doesn't care, As we're all nothing but an insignificant little speck in the endless black called existence. Also, I pretty much hate everyone and everything. Including you reading this right now! And remember: Always give up, and never trust anyone. Not even your friends and family. (FYI: If you took this seriously, you need to rethink your life.)

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