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Información sobre LoveandParty

This channel is mainly a channel that discusses how to make money from paid to click sites, survey sites, and CAPTCHA data entry sites. As of now, I earn an average of 17 dollars a month just clicking and typing on the computer and playing smartphone games. The methods I use to earn that 17 dollars a month can be done by anyone even if they have no skills/work experience/education degree, as long as they have a computer, a mouse, a keyboard, a smartphone, and an Internet connection. I also take note of the total video views this channel has gotten and give general tips on how I got that many views.

This channel has 12000+ views!

I am looking for work, email me at [email protected].
Also email me if you just want to chat, that's always welcome.

Donate Bitcoins to support this channel!


check out my blogs!

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