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nice to meet u, fellow humans

My name is Dutchess, but since a lot of other animators get people to call them by a nickname, I guess you can call me Dutch if ya want :P I do animations, (obviously from the last sentence lol) and animation memes, as well as pmvs and map parts and some speedpaints! I am part of too many fandoms to fit in this box lol. My main fursona is an og species I created and if you would like to learn more about them then feel free to ask, I may make them an open species. But ye, hope you enjoy the garbage I put on here.

(Banner and pfp made by @LamP0st)

"Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things. It's call garbage can, not garbage cannot."
-Oscar the grouch

Main fandoms/stories:
-Hearts do as they Wish (created by me)
-The 100
-The Hobbit (Smaug yes)
-maybe a lil HP

-going to start using adobe animate soon


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