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Tenzin Dajon

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Información sobre Tenzin Dajon


I am Tenzin Dajon from Zanskar Ladakh (India). I make videos on Ladakh and share my experience on my YouTube channel (Tenzin Dajon).

There are very few informations available on social media about Ladakh. I always questioned this to myself that why this is so? Finally I decided to remain active on this platform, so that the youth of Ladakh could get inspired and create more interesting contents on Ladakh.

Actually there are very few YouTubers from Ladakh on YouTube now. Therefore I decided to be one of them. So that world could know more about us (Ladakh).

Right now I am at the very early stage on this platform. Therefore I am facing little challenges. But I can assure you that I will give the best content on Ladakh in the future.

Kindly be part of this small initiative of mine. I need your support and suggestion. So that I could tell the world about Ladakh in effective and interesting way, like an ambassador of UT Ladakh.

Thanks a lot....!

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