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Battlefield NPC

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Battlefield NPCの説明

Xbox gamertag:
[email protected]

I make gaming shorts mainly about battlefield v, 4 and
World of warships..

I might start doing more commentary or podcast type content for me and a friend to talk about current topics going on.

This channel is built on the principle of free speech, cussing is allowed in my comment section, all I see is people trying to get their point across or using cuss words as normally as any other words but here it's all allowed.

I'll start doing play throughs but only of Scary games just cause I'm bad at em, horror games are just too much for me but my pain may make yall happy and I'm here for that.

Let me know by commenting what games you'd like to see me play on xbox, no PC for now just xbox, yall have a nice day
I'm a Mexican American from the beautifully FL

I'll be honest, when I game, I game like an npc lol all luck

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