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Michael Traveling The World

29 subscribers

About Michael Traveling The World

Want to travel and have honest videos with a variety of content? If so you’ve found the right channel. Hi I am Michael Intelegator a teen who grew up in the Chicago Suburbs who got the travel bug in 2017 after watching travel videos on YouTube. After watching them, I got interested in travel, history, and geography. After that, I started traveling more thoughtfully and continued researching. I then got the urge to share my travel stories to the world and started this YouTube Channel in January 2020. I had videos and photos from my trip to Hungary, Austria, and Czech Republic, I knew I could make videos. For now, I want to continue traveling the world and filming. Some video series I will upload are: city, region, and country guides, food videos, guided tours around a nature park or a city or town, and trip reports on trains and planes.

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