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Gray Rocking

36 subscribers

About Gray Rocking

Dear Viewer....This channel will be about what products are effective and have minimal toxicity for those desiring to cut down on their toxic intake with the intent of treating and alleviating symptoms due to nano technology, Lymes, fibromyalgia, and other obscure ailments presently unrecognized by the professional medical community. Some people may have skin anomalies that present with itchiness or barely perceptible fibers, others may feel creepy crawling sensations. Sometimes you might be told this is all in your head. The information here is not intended to be taken as medical advice , always check with your personal physician before undertaking a change in your self care. All of the products and tools I will review and recommend are OTC and non prescription.
We shall also now be examining how to avoid COVID , and treatment of symptoms.
The war for our health is real.

Proverbs 17:22
... A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. .

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