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About Geniuskatie


There are infinite ways for us to expressing and understanding LOVE. Learning more about LOVE is helping us heal our deepest wounds / not staying stuck or confused. LOVE has the power to set ourselves free. LOVE is the answer especially shared with KINDNESS. As with everything, LOVE has three principal influential energies we are expressing to the world.

POSITIVE, Neutral, and negative. Healing and recovery come when you learn how to outwitting your negative LOVE with POSITIVE LOVE. Yes, our choice.

In my personal experience, the more of my negative LOVE was trying to dominate, the longer it took to get out of that vibration. I am thankful for the day when positive LOVE started to take over and grow stronger.

The trigger is simple: Choosing happiness, forgiveness, kindness, and many outstanding qualities we can share even without loud words. LOVE design by Geniuskatie symbolizes precisely that.

Enjoy, and we are looking forward to our journey with you!

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