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Información sobre RosalinaPanda37

Hi there! I’m RosalinaPanda37 and this is my main channel. I also have two other channels for the specific subjects I do: Here are some things about me for those of you who are new around here! 🐼

I love pandas, the colour purple and Princess Rosalina from The Mario Brothers. I’ve only recently started a YouTube channel, and I plan to continue it for a while. All of my videos are edited by myself and I will not use any one else’s videos as all of mine are completely unique. Thank you to all of you who are subscribed, I really appreciate it!
I will often post Roblox videos, and sometimes some art - I would really appreciate if you support me by subscribing, as I am a young artist and sometimes struggle with motivation.

Thank you very much for reading, I hope you have a wonderful day! Bye! 👋
💜 🐼 💜

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