Dear Sherlock

Published 2012-08-16
John stops blogging and begins letter writing to deal with losing his friend (as far as he knows).
If you can hang on to 2:15, I added a bit of a smile at the end to save you. (only reason I uploaded this was that the two people who saw it on my laptop said I simply must, because it made them cry a little. I don't want to make people cry, thus the little save at the end.) Vid born from my vidlet of "with or without you" so if you saw that one and thought "these are awfully alike", that's why.

All Comments (7)
  • @kalaharidreamer
    This is great. I was sad and then I smiled. Cheered my day up no end. Ta!
  • @crazyphan18
    Oh I was feeling the tears then you threw in a joke thank you. Made this wonderful!
  • @kissmrule
    i so love this video it so cool and sweet
  • @MsDemonBunny
    Sorry reply took so long. Thing is...the music is from the Sherlock series 2 - "A Scandal in Belgravia". As to the actual title of the piece - I can't think of it! Something to do with Irene... I can't seem to put my hands on the CD and must have taken it off the comp. when I completed the vid. But it IS on the Series 2 soundtrack.
  • @ermiler
    what is the song called? its amazing!