Black mamba vs Dwarf mongoose

Published 2017-02-09

This is a sighting for the books! A black mamba vs a dwarf mongoose - what a breathtaking occasion for us as we sat and watched the cheeky mongoose toying with the most deadly snake in South Africa. Mongooses are known to eat snakes, but this seemed like rather a challenge for the smallest mongoose working on its own to approach the mamba. Incredible moment in the wild Timbavati Nature Reserve. And for those who are dying to know the result - both walked away unscathed at the end of the day. It was a draw!

All Comments (21)
  • @sghnr5377
    Mamba : I'm faster Mango : I love fast food
  • People: OMG! It's a snake 🐍 Mongoose: OMG! It's a snack 🥨
  • @eddyavailable
    Whats so funny is...the mamba recognizes its own predator and is trying to run away.
  • @brianmck7363
    Mamba is normally a very aggressive snake when provoked, but when facing his arch rival the mongoose he much rather flight than fight!!
  • To me out of all the sophisticated and prehistoric hunters in Africa the mongoose gains the most respect from me because he goes up against prey that has venom and one misstep and it’s the curtains for him. The Black Mamba is nothing to be played with but to the Mongoose the Black Mamba is just another day at the park.
  • The coolest thing is that this little guy does this kind of stuff even when nobody's watching...
  • @gabeagca2758
    "I'm a black mamba!" "Yes, you look delicious too"
  • @Swail23
    SNAKE: I'm twice bigger than you. You can't take me! MONGOOSE: That means my lunch is BIG!
  • @apraew20
    Mamba: "you know I can kill you right?" Mong: "I know. But, I'm just trying to make a living. You're my lunch."
  • The mongoose will keep the snake in sun or hot area so it overheats and runs out of energy. Then in for the kill
  • The only time I feel for the king cobra and the black mamba is when they run into this fearless little badass!
  • @gilbertrios5283
    Fearless little critters... The mamba was looking to escape it knew its fate was sealed!
  • @timg.1510
    😳That was a huge Mamba, Call The Honeybadger
  • Mamba: "Who are you?!" Mongoose: " I'm Batman. I want you to tell your friends aboit me."
  • @coolgadzets8449
    Mamba: Howz my Punch? Mangoose: Don't worry u r my Lunch😁
  • @how5851
    Mongoose: Yeah, go and tell your friends about me...
  • @leecowell8165
    that's a BIG snake. I doubt if the mongoose was interested in tackling it. but you never know these guys are incredibly quick. but unfortunately we'll never know either.
  • @cathyt144
    wheres the rest of the video?what a teaser 😕