Wharfe swim!!! Trout season

Published 2023-03-28

All Comments (10)
  • Hi Ian, Rose (music student) subscribing to your channel as I said I would. Blimey, this vid is really scary. I can't re-watch it, it's too scary, and thank goodness you're around to tell the tale. Yep, the moral of the story is surely if you're on your own, MIND HOW YO GO!
  • Glad your OK buddy that's could have been a lot worse. At least you didn't have far to go home pal, every cloud and all that. Keep the videos coming πŸ‘πŸŽ£
  • A harsh lesson learnt the hard way mate ! So pleased that you got away with it, best of luck with the bumps and bruises. If the Angling Trust get hold of this it would go viral mate (might need the odd audio edit πŸ˜‚) My best wishes mate πŸ‘πŸ‘
  • @Chalkbalone
    Bloody hell you were lucky, I'm glad you are alright πŸ‘
  • @jorvikangler
    Well bugger that was nasty. The Wharfe has claimed more than a few anglers lives when it's up like it has been. . It's the near automatic reaction to gulp air when you hit the cold water that causes the problems. You're not alone though. I fell in at the top of the Wharfe. Luckily I was only in a few inches of water. Spare clothes, a waterproff set cover and something to make a hot drink with are useful things to have in the car boot.
  • Glad your ok bud. Was a bad fall that. Nearly ended up in the ouse last year myself. Going down a steep bank.couldnt get back up.Lucky my old man was at the top of the bank and had to pass the landing net handle down for me to hold on to and pull me up. All the best All weather angler.
  • @krisbower8345
    Gald your ok m8, that river tried to take my life about 3 years ago exactly the same spot! Went straight under didn't even think it was that deep lol