The Fallout Show After The Hype

Published 2024-05-24
The Fallout of The Fallout Show

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Also this is my opinion and I feel like this video will get lots of Dislikes...

Sue me(don't actually)


0:00 - Intro
4:05 - The Visuals
7:03 - The Main Quest
12:58 - The New Vegas Problem
15:56 - My Nitpicks
17:51 - What Bethesda Gets Wrong
18:27 - Final Thoughts

All Comments (21)
  • @alexd4616
    Bad show, when I played it on Amazon it autosaved and crashed
  • @-ImSpacedOut
    Can't wait for Norm to become the new overseer and then say to Lucy when she finally returns... "Im sorry.. you're a hero... and you have to leave".
  • I think the twist of season 2 will be around which nv ending is cannon, the whole season will imply that Mr house is the cannon ending up until the last episode where the main characters enter the lucky 38 and they discover, oh fuck it’s yes man.
  • Norm was my favourite character hands down, next to Cooper Howard
  • @rmartinson19
    @0:58 "Ever since I was a dumb little 11-year-old kid booting up Fallout 4 for the first time." Oof, well I feel old as shit now. I was a dumb little 11-year-old kid when Fallout: Tactics came out.
  • @fawfulsfury626
    I disagree strongly about your point of not canonizing an ending. If you are going to have a Fallout story set in the same region as a previously released story, it’s actively detrimental to the plot that the ending of the previous story is left ambiguous. Like you said, Fallout is post-post apocalyptic, and to develop that aspect of the franchise we need to see growth / change between stories. Imagine a Fallout 2 that left Shady Sands as a simple town instead of letting it become the NCR, just because of “respecting player choice”. Same with season 2 of this show, think about how much less interesting it would be for New Vegas to end up as another ruined town (like Shady Sands) instead of the show committing to a House or NCR ending and playing out the ramifications of that. This isn’t me trying to fully disagree with you, I think having a majority of a Fallout main character’s story and choices left ambiguous is a good thing for the same reasons you do. I just think that the main plot of the show would be far more compelling if they choose an ending and run with it.
  • @Xegethra
    They did make some odd choices, like putting all those vaults in LA. This is set after Fallout 1, after the Master ravaged many vaults to capture people for his mutant army. His base was in LA, AKA the Boneyard, well south Boneyard, the Cathedral. No chance in Hell he would have let those vaults go by untouched. Especially the ones in south LA. And Shady Sands being moved into LA....In FO1 it was way north of LA, sat in-between vault 13 and 15...they were settlers of vault 15 after the door opened. Where it was at it's safest from harm. Choices I don't quite get that contradict the games. But then, the games contradict themselves anyway so it's to be expected unfortunately.
  • @Chibi1986
    1:19 - Nate was out of the military for at least two years by that point. Emil is just an idiot, one who failed upwards.
  • @anonymone453
    I can't really wrap my head around Muldaver and why she led a team of raiders into Vault 33 for a farce wedding. Her depiction as a raider boss is totally incongruent with her depiction as one of the few remaining leaders of the NCR. It's like they forgot who she was supposed to be after the first episode. The saving grace is that we're clearly not done with her character, even though she's dead in the present. We still haven't seen all of Cooper's character arc or an explanation for how Muldaver survived the war.
  • @captironsight
    Fallout 4 carries the "Sin" of canonizing an ending where Dr. Li is alive, FEV wasn't released, Lyons fell out of power, and the Brotherhood won. I don't see how having a show canonizing an ending is wrong. We were not going to see New Vegas again regardless, so picking a heading and carrying on makes sense.
  • I heard this guy says "ever since i was a little kid and booted up fallout 4", i was a bit confused but then I realised that fallout 4 is nearly a decade old
  • @silverbladeTE
    The Chinese largely used STEALTH submarines and bombers, and contrary to what the game did for goofiness, nukes are NOT that big, unless you drop a "Czar Bomba" which was never a practical weapon just a demonstration device. The lore from the start of the games is that very few megaton sized "city killers" were used, instead, they used a HUGE amount of smaller nukes Hiroshima sized and larger (25 to 700kilotons) and that makes sense for a lot of reasons: #1 they lacked advanced computers become transistors/chips didn't cone about until way later than our time line and are vital for miniaturizing and accuracy of such weapon systems, it also makes creation of "MIRV" style warheads with multiple nukes harder or impossible. #2 kind of related to #1 they lacked advanced rocketry we have, instead it was mostly somewhat simpler like 60s or early 70s tech, or used nuclear propulsion which is a major headache all in itself and not very viable for mass bombardment! (see the "Repconn" rockets in New Vegas and the lunar missile repurposed for an ICBM in Fallout 3's museum of technology). #3 Fallout's universe created more advanced fission power for practical things than we did, while possibly we have better warhead design (later is mentioned somewhere in the games IIRC).
  • The nitpick isn't fair because ALL we want are true adaptations of our favorite games. I didn't need a fresh take of "The Witcher," I just wanted what I already like and signed up for.
  • @UncleDan_
    "Most played game..." "374.1 hours" laughs in 1k+
  • @homerj806
    Season 2 being filmed in CA. Gonna apply as an extra at Central Casting and try to get a part as a NPC waster.
  • My girlfriend can't fathom how norm is my favorite character. I truly think norm is the vessel for people who are OBSESSED with the lore. Watching him figure things out and discover new things is awesome.
  • @theidajawho
    You forgot Maximus' main perk investment in Idiot Savant.