NEW Star Wars Legion version: My initial thoughts

Published 2024-07-19
I wanted to share my thoughts on the NEW Star Wars Legion (2.0) revealed at Ministravaganza 2024 - STAR WARS: Legion - War Table: New Battle Orders.

NEW rulebook:…

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About: In this video I wanted to share my thoughts on the NEW Star Wars Legion (2.0) revealed at Ministravaganza 2024 - STAR WARS: Legion - War Table: New Battle Orders.

#starwarslegion #atomicmassgames #tabletopgaming #starwars

All Comments (21)
  • @themaskedg33k
    Plain and simple this is now Star Wars Legion the AMG Edition.
  • @Vanret255
    100% my thoughts. Really disappointing that now the cards dont have all the information on the same side , upgrade cards have no art to tell apart at a glance (not to mention the size increase, which I get from an organization point of view, but seems more annoying for actually playing with the cards on the table), and considering they've known that they where going to increase the amounts of unit boxes you have to buy to field the bigger units its mind-boggling to me that ewoks and other recent units are so mono-pose in design. I get that they need to make more money due to the debt that they are taking on soon, but alot of these changes seem poorly thought out. Really hoping that it plays really well to make up for the downsides.
  • Just bought SW Legion when it was on sale during Prime week at Amazon. Got it in a couple of days ago. Now I need new cards and rules! Bwahaha.... joke's on me!
  • @tmm9464
    one important thing about the cards is that apart from the new confusing style, is that theyre even less useful, the information is spread out over both side instead of one, yet it feels more crowded, harder to keep track of, not only that but thye didnt fix any of the problems of the old cards, aka no explanation of keywords and the cards being slightly boring, its just a straight up downgrade
  • @jimmyd7606
    Its classic IP restriction, the developers can't expand much outside of the IP to keep the sales of the game up, so all they can do is re-brand, tweak mechanics to basically re-sell the base game again. Obsoleting old rule sets enough so not backwards capable easily. They want you to spend spend spend of course.
  • My condolences, truly, I, ‘WE’, feel your pain. 🤞🙏🏻🖖 I hope your hobby/game/passion receive more care & nurturing than many others have not. Peace.
  • AMG are the absolute dribbles. They can't even print an assembly guide with the miniatures, let AMG stick with shartterpoint and give legion back to FFG.
  • @Susanoo0097
    It all feels half-baked. You eider commit and make new edition woth new logo art cards and so on... or you dont. You cant eat a cake and have a cake...
  • I'm glad someone else shares my views on the branding, logo, and card style. The pictures on the cards themselves are fine, though.
  • They screw up everything that made legion great, bigger army size just means ppl have to buy more stuff but it'll leave a very salty taste if you end up spending even more money on stuff that looks really rotten after the change.. instead of 5 introductions towards 2.0 they should call it 5 coffin nails.
  • I think what you’re feeling is pretty normal. I will say as someone who played SWL for 2 years when it was first released but has moved on to other tabletop games these changes and the roadmap have made me consider getting back into SWL.
  • I wish AMG would stop shoving the Marvel comic look on everything. It only worked with MCP
  • @GERSteverino
    Just quit Modiphius' Fallout Wasteland Warfare because they dropped the ball with the cards and got into SW: Legion. What the hell is going on with publishers?
  • As a graphic designer, I can absolutely say that the new logo as serious hierarchy problems.
  • @DalleDC
    I think design is a big problem with all of AMGs products. Its very cereal box like. Like cheap comic books in the bad way. Gradients and cartoony designs, but with no real sense of great design, when you go down that route. Their stuff looks more like toys for kids, than board games for everyone.
  • @jgabarro
    I don’t know, we could all try playing a few games (or a dozen) before we decide whether the changes are good or bad. Just a thought … FWIW, folks in my local game store are cautiously optimistic, and we’re trying to focus on what we want to test and understand.
  • @ThatGuyKazz
    There are somethings I like and some I dont. I think their insurance on not calling in 2nd edition is absolutely stupid because that exactly what it is and whether or not they call it 2nd edition or not has absolutely no impact on whether or not people like the rule changes they are making. That said I do like the update to objectives and scoring. I like that they are increasing points limit for standard games from 800 to 1000. 800 points always felt too limited to me and always made it feel like once you got your minimum corp and commander you'd already spent over half your points. Admittedly as someone who also plays Tryanids in 40k I might be a bit biased towards seeing a lot of minis on the table but I like the double sized corp unit personnel upgrades. The change to cover I am mixed about just how they implemented it. I think making so the unit needs to be within 3 inches to receive cover makes sense and how it should have worked all alone. However I think the way that should be decided is just based in the unit leader basically if the unit leader is within 3 inches of a piece of terrain that provides cover then the unit should be counted to be in cover rather than yaving to worry about measuring to every model and they get cover if at least half of them are behind cover. That just seems like unnecessary bloat to me. One thing I like about Legion compared to other wargames like 40K is the leader centric measurements that speeds the gameplay up significantly and this seems like a step in the opposite direction which im not a fan of. Cover being a dice roll is fine and does help smooth over the discrepancy between large and small dice pools a bit which will hopefully mean smaller units like strike teams aren't just objectively terrible options but that remains to be seen. The new card layouts I am not a fan of. I dont like that the points and upgrade slots are on the back. I didn't notice the 5 different fonts before but now I cant unsee them. The presentation of the information does seem as clean to me. The removal of reminder text makes referencing rules more tedious because I cant just look at the unit card any more. Doubling the size while removing the art from the upgrade cards makes no sense. Most importantly making these announcements and saying the changes take effect immediately more than a year before they are going to have updated card packs on shelves is completely insane IMO. I also really dislike the fact that they've released updated cards for around 60% of the units in the game but didn't commit and relase updated versions for the other 40% the fact that the new points cost list doesn't list everything is also annoying cuz it means the points costs are scattered all over the place sometimes its on the old cards, some times its in the new cards, and some times its on the cost update sheet and that sort of half assed disorganized mess is really annoying to me. Overall I think the rule changes are fine I just wish they'd call a spade a spade and say the words 2nd edition and commit to doing everything that entails the proper way rather that this half assed one foot out the door BS.
  • @sadis72
    This is 100% a completely different game, AMG legion looks like shit. Changes literally almost every single aspect and says it’s not a new edition. Missions and secondary’s like Warhammer, legion was loved because it was different from other fucking war games. The cards look like shit, AMG ruined legion just like Disney ruined Star Wars.
  • @adammaloy8584
    Its disappointing to me because I literally just painted my Stormtroopers out of the core box I just purchased. I guess it wont effect me too much though since I will just be playing with my kids and wife.