Godzilla 1998: The "Worst" Godzilla Movie

Published 2024-04-17
In the late 90's America tried to make its own take on Godzilla. It did not end up well. But you know what they say. Time mends all wounds. Or at least nostalgia does.

Twitter: twitter.com/HubPointless

00:00 Intro
00:58 Godzilla 1998
02:20 No God in this Zilla
07:06 Its Charming Okay
11:04 Zilla in the Big Apple
18:10 Characters
25:03 The Zilla Brand

All Comments (20)
  • @CharlatanWonder
    My favorite thing about Zilla was that Toho briefly made him canon so that Godzilla could pancake him in Final Wars.
  • @AnythingMachine
    Sir, a second hellfire missile has hit the Chrysler building
  • @connerdo4325
    Fun fact. It’s canon that the Zilla species are the only form of Goji that don’t destroy buildings. This is because the military accidentally destroyed the buildings first.
  • Master’s in Biology here. Some lizards do reproduce asexually by parthenogenesis (snakes, insects, fish and crustaceans too). Some species have an all females population since they reproduce strictly like that, like the New Mexico whiptail. Since they are basically cloning each other, the offspring is identical to the mother. Not all of parthenogenesis cases are exactly clones, in other species like Bees, they always lay males unless fertilization occurs because of the genetic process behind it. It’s an interesting subject and yeah, nature finds a way indeed haha.
  • The fact that Roland Emmerich was able to make a career out of making the same film over and over again makes me feel better about my own prospects .
  • @darkwater124
    "You can't really root against him" That's funny because when I was forced to watch this movie at the theaters at age 8, I distinctly remember crying at the end that they killed Godzilla. He didn't do nothing wrong, leave him alone!
  • @Comkill117
    Ok the Cloverfield comparison is actually super on point and I’m shocked I’ve never actually heard it before. Also interestingly both movies also had an infestation of smaller monsters too, but where the raptor like mini Zillas were just kinda goofy and all got blown up. The little monsters in Cloverfield were these horrible abominations that if they so much as scratched you, you suffered a slow agonizing death and right at the last minute just get blown up from the inside out by whatever biological attack they had that kills you.
  • @Skelinatra
    As AVGN had once said, Toho had retired Godzilla with Godzilla versus Destoroyah in 1995 but since America made this movie . . Godzilla 2000 came about. Then of course Zilla's pancake in Final Wars when they really did call it quits
  • The thing about Roger Ebert is that he does have a sense of humor, his number one complaint about the character based off him was "why didn't you kill me in a humiliating way? Have the monster step on me while I was on the toilet or something."
  • @masterbeta6931
    I've always had this thought, 98 Godzilla was so weak because it was simply a mutant marine iguana. But it's offspring, Series Godzilla was stronger and more durable because it was born like that, it was never mutaed in its embryo state unlike its parent. Remember what Nick said, 'The dawn of a new species', 98 Godzilla was the foundation, Series Godzilla was the perfected form. Bigger, faster, possesses an actual atomic breath, able to tank conventional weapons even in its adolesant state. Overall, i believe that 98/Series Godzilla has potential in the long run.
  • @AscendantStoic
    28:50 Funny thing Godzilla in Shin Godzilla (the latest Godzilla movie from Japan before Godzilla Minus One) involves Godzilla rapidly evolving into various forms (some of which are really bizarre) only to end up somewhat defeated in the end, then it's revealed in the final scene that it actually can now turn into a swarm of smaller humanoid Godzillas (an evolution happening specifically to counter humans), which is quite creepy and terrifying af ... hope you do review that movie and Godzilla Minus One alongside the Monsterverse movies.
  • I think it's pretty funny that the tagline is "Size Does Matter" and the monster is pretty tiny by Godzilla standards.
  • @Cousin_Uli
    The best part about the whole Siskel and Ebert bit, is that Ebert seemed to be annoyed by it, but Siskel said something along the line of "they didn't even have godzilla step on us, what a waste, at least do something with the bit"
  • @Jow64
    I personally love the idea of Zilla being a Godzilla opposite. He's small and weak but fast and can multiply. He's primitive in comparison, and acts defensively compared to Godzilla's aggressive behavior.
  • @rithrius5384
    There are two things I would like to say: 1. Dumb/bad movies are entertaining as hell, and that's the entire point of watching a movie. 2. That's alot of fish!
  • "RUN!! ITS GODZILLA!!!" "It might look like Godzilla, but due to Toho buying this design and renaming it into Zilla, its not" "STILL WE SHOULD RUN LIKE IT IS GODZILLA!!!" "No it isnt 😏" *scream*
  • Ironically the Zilla swarm was part of the prequel novel for the anime trilogy with the Zilla species being one of the easiest Kaiju to kill but hardest to get properly rid off, a constant infestation of hungry giga iguanas.
  • @apathicmiko6546
    The most astonish fact about this movie is that somebody actually bothered to search which coutry tested more nuclear bombs to the date and that that resulted to be the french is incredible to me, like, they could easily said that Zilla was product of the russians or some asian country, like american movies tend to do, I always wondered why they chose France as the main culprit