10 Early Warning Signs of Schizophrenia

Published 2022-11-25
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#schizophrenia #schizoaffective #schizoaffectivedisorder #mentalhealth #mentalillness #prodrome

All Comments (21)
  • RIP to all the people with anxiety who now think they could be developing schizophrenia and have another thing to worry about
  • @sean-mi9ng
    She just described half of the American working population.
  • @leslierae6416
    I know the symptoms she lists might sound vague, but if you’ve lived with someone who’s developed schizophrenia then you know exactly what she’s talking about. I have type 2 bipolar disorder and depression, but I’ve had it managed and under control for the last 15 years, so when my brother started to act strangely a part of me thought maybe he was just depressed, or worse maybe he also had bipolar disorder. No. His symptoms started vague and progressively became more and more distinct. He was sleeping 3 hours a night, his tone of voice shifted to nearly monotone, he lost 50 pounds and then pretty quickly gained 60 pounds, he stopped flushing the toilet, stopped washing his hair, he couldn’t remember small and even big things things from day to day, he would routinely start cooking something and then completely forget and small fires would start, it got so bad that at one point I was afraid that he developed early onset Alzheimer’s, when he wasn’t completely silent he was speaking manically about the importance of certain stones, how vitamins can heal everything, how sugar was the root of evil and that Jordan Petersen would look through the computer screen and speak to him about allot of this. The symptoms sound vague, but they very much ARE NOT.
  • @karens1156
    She just described the symptoms of every mental disorder that ever existed 😂
  • @myaballester5425
    these are very common symptoms of other mental disorders also! make sure you don’t self diagnose and see a mental health professional!!! my heart goes out to the people who struggle with mental illness 💕 as a person who struggles with mental illness, it’s not easy!
  • @bunsenn5064
    The people saying these are symptoms of other conditions aren’t realizing that this is exactly what makes schizophrenia so hard to diagnose. There is lots of overlap and it’s hard to make that distinction.
  • Also generally signs of sleep deprivation, stress, and biotic changes in the gut.
  • @elochero10
    these are also symptoms of depression, insomnia, high levels of stress in general, eating disorder, and anything else you could name that has a generally negative impact on your person
  • @mccjoe01
    Sounds like a normal work week to me...
  • @wendydarling1745
    Lord help us all. I have so many invisible diseases. Anxiety, depression, OCD, manic
  • also depression symptoms. dont get anxious guys you are fine. dont start diagnosing yourself on shorts pls. also got through a dark night of the soul, and obsessive spiritual thoughts were part of it, and I am better now. sometimes there is rougher patches in life and you might just need to disconnect from screen and look at yourself directly without disconnecting at all, to understand what the issue is. hope that helped
  • @AB-zq4fw
    So I've been in the Prodromal phase abt 14 years now...
  • @susangraziano5503
    My son was diagnosed which schizophrenia in May 2022.. it was the toughest time of our life …1 year of pure sheer terror and delusional thoughts that God wanted to kill him and hated him and that death was right around the corner … we could not watch tv… listen to music, could not go outside because he was certain the earth was gonna turn upside down and he would go burning into the sun… no swimming… he thought the pool ground would open up and drag him straight to hell… hearing messages sent by God through tv and music.. that he wanted to kill him… voices that scared the crap out of him.. sleepless nights … fearful days lots of praying .. crying and very emotional times for a year straight.. my poor baby 😢(18 yrs old) just snapped one day! We are on the road to recovery with the help of a place called Henderson’s Mental Health with a program that started a few months before we found them call Early Treatment Center… thank god for them and the wrap around service they provide him, from his psychiatrist, to his therapist and peer specialist and of course medication, he is just starting to live life again… the weight gain and nightmares is a terrible side affect as he gain 60 pounds in a years time and was have terrible nightmares that were just as real as the terror he had in the day time… please pray from my baby and all the people that suffer from this disease! It’s heartbreaking and with help, and a lot of patience, we are grateful and hopeful. ❤❤❤
  • @richwilliams3632
    Wow. I suffer anxiety. You just described all my symptoms. 😮
  • This also described how I felt when I went through menopause. This describes how I feel when the stress of school or work gets to me. This is how I felt living with abusive people who gaslighted me regularly. This is how I felt when I had postpartum depression/anxiety.
  • @Native_love
    I have a few family members that have had schizophrenia and the main trigger for them was stress. Stress in their lives or minds (perceived stress).
  • @ruimvp
    11. Being introspective and less interaction with others. The patient life occurs in his mind in this stage.
  • @matthewpool6508
    I have ptsd not schizophrenia but have experienced acute psychotic episodes a few times over the past few years and this channel was very comforting to me after the first time and also this reminded me to take my antipsychotic so thanks!