David Dobrik Ruined Jason Nash's Life

Publicado 2024-01-29

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @mambaforever3239
    The narrative was David needed the vlog squad more than the vlog squad needed him. Safe to say that was effectively wrong 😂
  • @rttnmlk9013
    David has got to be the most selfish and inconsiderate YouTuber that has existed
  • @csgoat968
    Jason helped build David, he’s deserving of a lot of the monetized benefits of doing so. That being said ppl keep acting like Jason is seconds away from being homeless like he doesn’t live in a Million Dollar LA mansion while driving cars that are worth $50,000+😂
  • @mrytber8899
    The problem with the people they cancel the influencer then feel bad for the people who lost their job afterwards. The guy was filming and got involved with an accident resulting to one of his former friends life being ruined and the whole team lost their relevance.
  • While I do think he could do more to be there & more supportive of his friends I think they should of assumed it wouldn’t be that easy forever & should of saved for the future
  • @inktownbitch21
    Bro, he didn't ruin his life Jason Nash just didn't manage his fucking money
  • @jonnybro7676
    Invite him on a sidemen video he pretty witty and would match any setting. He was a true comic
  • @danlewis5977
    Nash was big on vine when that was around, assumed he'd be on tiktok now but the times have changed and what he did with others on vine was perfect for the 7 second videos but wouldn't translate across
  • @trident8480
    Basically this nash guy is a proper dosser
  • @Kemicalkoma
    Jason messed up by not actively cultivating relationships with brands during the vlog days and instead just took David’s hand outs. It’s his own fault he is where he is
  • @adz4301
    I’d love to see David go broke.
  • Naw, david gave his friends the lives they could only dream of while he set himself aside to work. Now that hes finally letting lose after years of grinding and giving his crew their own platforms, people are complaining. If non of them (especially jason as hes like 50 yrs old) didnt set some money aside for the future thats on them.
  • @Wazzles96
    The fact some people blame David when you could say maybe David was fed up of being used by everyone for money and finally went you know what fuck it I'm going to enjoy myself for once and do things when I want to do them
  • @traktitch2364
    Back before all the Dom SA controversy, Jason stated multiple times that David saved his life and gave him a new one and he’ll always be greatful
  • @justinduh10
    david gave him the platform that he has today, if jason didn’t think long into the future and actually realize that he has to make a name for himself cuz the vlogs aren’t going to last forever, how is that david’s fault. he should be grateful that he got a platform in the first place
  • @gm1799
    I think he had some personality disease so when he was off camera he was probably making way worse financial decisions than anyone could ever imagine. Doesnt excuse much cause he couldve got an accountant or something to lock his shit up for him but i remember him having a generally really destructive lifestyle.
  • @mikpiotto
    First off, he's making bank with his podcast(sponsors and tiktok clips) before that he was getting 100k average on daily vlogs. He is also living in hollywood with his kids. So idk
  • @siddasloth3292
    It’s kinda wild that David so no considering how much Jason did for his vlog series… like he was always willing to do the most humiliating thing or painful thing for the purpose of David’s vlog but this guy wouldn’t talk for an hour to help save his friend
  • @Trabsol
    As selfish as David was, the truth is that the blog squad didn’t make him, he made them. The way he went around filming and his style of editing would’ve worked with anyone entertaining. It just so happens he met these people.