Two members of Mass State police facing internal affairs investigation

Published 2024-07-24

All Comments (14)
  • Law enforcement needing to be investigated for corruption 😱 the real shocking part will be if they are actually held accountable for something.
  • @paladro
    half the department should be under investigation
  • @turtletruth
    “They’ve gone through everything but my sock drawer, but they won’t go through Brian Albert’s front door"!
  • @edsalinas9996
    When does main stream Media ever tell us this? Out here it must mean something to the Court of public appeal. Do you think the Media is going to tell us "Internal Affairs" conclusion was?
  • @rosalindr4975
    The judge didn’t seem impartial. Very questionable. It’d be embarrassing to not have an investigation, if you saw any of the trial.
  • @nat9909
    Something is going terribly wrong if mass state police are being investigated! They have operated with complete impunity for decades and have never had to answer to anybody. Something big must be happening behind the scenes for this remarkable occurrence to exist. Because it's Massachusetts, though, no one will ever find out what IT is.
  • @MarketGuy84
    His hand gesture would suggest he's a Mason. Let's see how this goes, and he did it in front of the world. Wake up folks.
  • @FreeTurtleboy
    It's JUST the beginning.....of The Federal investigation
  • @Christene-c7v
    Consiglio per gli appuntamenti: non fidatevi mai di un uomo che non apprezza la gioia di un letto ben fatto😘