Aviation Moments You Won't Believe If Not Caught On Camera !

Published 2024-05-03
We love aviation and could spend hours watching it as we dream of flying just once or at least sitting in a pilot's cockpit. Well guess what? We've put together a collection of unbelievable aviation footage from all across the internet for you today. You’re going to see some impressive jet fighters, helicopters, and true flying fortresses.

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All Comments (21)
  • @BringMeSleeps
    I’d respect this vid if it didn’t have commentary.
  • @bessmer123
    Couple things wrong the DHL cargo plane lost hydraulics and couldn’t stop and the JetBlue with the landing gear issue is an airbus not a Boeing
  • @vmestates3266
    I absolutely HATE the narration 'voice'. It is so affected.
  • @46wireboy
    That's an RC plane at 1:09. If you're gonna flap your yap, try getting the facts right. A lot of BS here, folks.
  • @starry53
    Some clips are like Maverick-level skills. Awesome 👍👍
  • @melincourt
    Some interesting footage but the commentary sucks.
  • @jima5053
    When I was in the Navy I got to fly in the back seat of a Marine F4. including a brief super sonic dash, I still consider it as the thrill of a lifetime!
  • @theverseshed
    Only watchable when you turn off the pointless waffler
  • @Badge1122
    Hey dude, you got several things wrong.
  • @86Kiaser
    Prove you wrong, you say? well, those "speed barriers" were all vapor barriers, not the sound barrier. Sorry if it was the sound barrier the cameras would shake from the sonic boom. It happens with water in the air at a speed that get's the water to stick for a bit, then let go making a cone of the water being condensed of all the water. Leaving a cone of water around the jet. Breaking the sound barrier ends with a sonic boom shaking all the ground objects, which is why it's illegal to do near the ground.
  • @hyime69
    The Harrier is "BRITISH TECHNOGLOY" from the the 1960s
  • @rockmeister76
    Jet Blues Airplane is not a Boeing. It's an Airbus 320.
  • @wayre11
    Sorry, both F-22 Raptor and Harrier have Turbofans, not turbojets
  • @AVMamfortas
    Oh come on !!!b Early in (around 1.30) we see a jet flying past fast. It is NOT breaking the sound barrier. At 3.40 we are told that a jet passenger plane landing is doing 100 kms/h. Bollox. At 4.40 we are told that we have never seen this 'Monster' take off. Yes we have and it is a smallish jet fighter, not a 'monster'. All the visual clips were fine. The narrative was 99% crap.
  • 2:35 You'd be amazed at how many people think those rocket motors are jet engines.