U of T Professors Read Mean Reviews

Published 2016-02-29
The Varsity captures the reactions of U of T professors reading mean reviews about themselves online from Rate My Professors.

Filmed by
Shaq Hosein
Jacob Lorinc
Mubashir Baweja
Sina Dolati
Rafael Weiland

Edited by
Shaq Hosein

Marsch "In Treue fest!" (Klavier) (2009)
August Högn

All Comments (21)
  • "I would love not to teach anyone at any level but have to get my paycheck" pretty much just verified the criticism.
  • “I have to teach my 2 hours to get a salary” that’s the problem right there. You don’t enjoy your profession, you do it as a chore. This disdain trickles down to your students.
  • @DuckSensei1
    I'm in Professor's Jung class right now and she talks too slow more than anything, I usually put her lectures at 1.5 speed. Her class is amazing though and has adapted so well to the online environment we're now in.
  • @HeavyProfessor
    Calling the philosophy professor a sophist is the ultimate diss.
  • @tttai8993
    Professor Mount looks like he just got finish robbing a bank...
  • @yuhz1m1
    Professor Jung is my favourite. She actually sounds like she's a good professor.
  • @fgkpev
    They are all smug in the face of criticism because they have tenure and therefore are in no way accountable.
  • @RizzyStories
    That Prof Wong seems really rude and arrogant though. Just my observation as how he speaks and body language.
  • @Marialisa101
    Nick Mount is such a great prof. Even 10 years later, I'll never forget at the beginning of every class, he would always play (mostly) obscure songs with some sort of lit reference in them. Awesome lecturer too.
  • The worst insult: a Hemingway try-hard. I winced at that and I'm a random teen in Florida ffs
  • @appa609
    80% of my profs are amazing and I’m just too stupid to take advantage of it.
  • @NatureForce37
    Wong seems like one of those rude profs that do the bare minimum in the class, but expect you to pass the class, then gives you a bad grade and has the nerve to be sour about it. I'm paying YOU to teach ME.
  • @Milfuelle100
    My dad was a prof for decades at UBC and he got such bad reviews on this website 😂 to be fair he LOATHED teaching. He was a researcher (scientist) and entered retirement at 65 because the Dean wanted him to teach more classes. When the Dean made an appointment with him shortly before his 65th birthday, it was to ask my dad about his retirement plans. My dad fully intended to tell the Dean he didn’t want to retire. When he found out that he needed to teach 2 more classes he was like that Pocahontas meme waving goodbye.
  • @Zoeica
    Nick mount doesn’t deserve any criticism he is genuinely a great prof
  • To me it seems pretty obvious that prof Wong is being mostly sarcastic with his comments. I've never even been to the university of Toronto though,so anyone who who's been his student might be able to either confirm or deny that,but the whole "it's be great a if I didn't have to teach anyone but unfortunately I've gotta teach my 2 hours a week to get a paycheck" seems too bold for anyone to say so easily, especially in public. It looks like he's just a slightly arrogant professor with a really dry sense of humour.
  • @BloggerMusicMan
    I had both Wong and Hurl as profs at U of T. I really liked both of them, especially Hurl. Nick Mount is very highly regarded at U of T.
  • Mount and Wong, had 'em both. Happy to see they're still there and still teaching. Both are great profs!!
  • @JesseDanLee
    One of my U of T professors told us that one of his reviews just said "You [expletive]".