Why YOU Should NEVER Move Apartments (SCAMS)

Published 2024-06-15

All Comments (21)
  • The cost of living seems to be increasing every year, making it harder to keep up.
  • @He1loEarthling
    Im not strong enough to carry an apartment. Edit: Guys you're 100% right, I gotta get stronger, starting tonight I'm squatting apartments. Thank you for inspiring me.
  • @jhosk92
    I forget where I heard this (probably on Twitter), but I'll never forget the person who said that they once left a small gift basket as a sign of appreciation for their old landlord when they moved out and the landlord charged them for "removal of leftover personal belongings" because of it
  • @AhPook
    Seeing rent be near $1K on the LOW END is horrific. It was just five years ago that I could find a decent place for like $600 a month, I have been forced to move back in with family to be able to afford to survive due to rent prices skyrocketing where I live.
  • @neotuxxedo
    You can smell the incoming housing crash
  • @Tehstampede
    The good news: We're building more apartments. The bad news: We need more apartments.
  • @jungefrau
    When we left our last condo, I paid a professional cleaning service to come in & took photos of EVERYTHING. there was a broken bbq in the backyard when we moved in & i had the foresight to photograph that. The mgmt company wanted to keep our $2k deposit & charge us $1.4k to repair the bbq (it was a big built-in. Very nice looking. We never used it). We took them to small claims & won, so we got our deposit+court costs+the money i paid to the professional cleaners.
  • @ZaiDrizzleDrop
    Its really frustrating to have someone tell you to just buy a home, and when they tell you "You'll get it eventually bro!" and here I am struggling to pay my 700 a month rent, on top of other expenses at my shitty job, while they have a big house and rich parents. Its like...just so tone deaf.
  • If I have to unassemble my bedframe just to reassemble it one more time, I'm going to sue someone
  • @MadiganinPeach
    Pro tip: buy your dad pillows for father's day. I have absolutely no statistics backing this up but my dad's pillows were about as thick as a piece of paper, and something tells me there's a lot of widowed/single dads out there who aren't treating themselves to some better sleeping accessories.
  • @lexiheart6558
    I'm old enough to remember when apartments were for people just starting out and save up for a house. Or if you were single. Idk. Life sucks now and it won't change until we stand up and finally break out the guillotines.
  • I'm glad you understand shitty rentals. Some people talk like "It's better to rent. You just call your landlord when you have an issue and it's solved." I'm like who the fuck are you renting from?
  • @ivest4672
    The worst scam is an application fee. Like- “pay us $20-$40 for a CHANCE you’ll live here” And 90% of the time you don’t get that apartment
  • @8Spikey
    The moving company I drove a truck for totally did this. The salesman under quoted them, then the company hiked up the price because of all the "extra items". I would show up and tell them the inflated price and they would balk. My orders were not to release their belongings without payment first. I didn't find out they did this until towards the end. I felt disgusted that i was unknowingly a part of this. I was glad they were raided by the FBI a little after I left.
  • My dad, a former landlord, doesn’t understand why everyone hates landlords. For context, when it comes to landlords, he’s pretty decent. Priced the property competitively, allowed animals, fixed stuff on time, etc. But I keep having to explain to him that he’s the exception to the rule and most landlords are absolute nightmares. When he heard my sister’s story of her having mold and the water go unfixed for months, I think he finally got it
  • @Hessed3712
    Apartments also do not allow bunnies. Boo. Also, at my last apartment the maintenance men came in after knocking 3 times rapid fire. Just barged in. One stayed at the door, obviously uncomfortable. And the other one went all through the apartment claiming he left his laptop in there. He did not. Turns out he was doing this with any apartment that had a woman under the age of 30 living there. He walked in on a girl taking a shower and she sued. After that (after at least 15 complaints that he was doing this) they fired him.
  • @Minkamurink
    The "only person I lie to about smoking weed" was the the most valid thing in this video
  • @kingblanketfort
    One thing that I know you forgot to mention that is currently happening to me is having an eviction on your record. I ended up having to go on medical leave for 3 months from work because of a torn rotator cuff and since they didn't give me my full pay while I was on medical leave .. I ended up losing my apartment. So now not only do I owe the apartment complex money, but no one else will rent to me because of the eviction on my record. Even though I have a full-time job and the money for the down payment. I live in my car and shower at the gym. But don't worry about that last apartment complex I pretty much said feck you and I never paid them and I never will. 😂