Published 2022-12-08
the cooltastic snail wants to tell you something very important. something that has been a looong time coming
tl;dr obs and the lore was too overwhelming for me to continue so it's cancelled

All Comments (21)
  • @khoreoOSC
    but the lore... the lore!! How am I gonna live without the lore!!! The world is just so damn rotten I don't want to live in it anymore!! Oh boo hoo hoo!!!
  • @AngriiOkii
    This was so cooltastic that my house cooled down
  • I'm proud of you! I completely understand how you can become trapped in your own lore Web, as we talked about that in the interview. Really looking forward to seeing what you have planned for the future and seeing content being created your way! Love ya! Keep up the amazing work.
  • It’s okay. If you are tired of the lore, you don’t have to do it, can’t wait for burner!
  • my personal headcanon is that card won obs, that would be truly the best ending ever possible ever
  • @Creepsington
    obs was one of my favorite shows, so it sucks that its cancelled, but its for the better. i'm looking forward to burner, and i'm sure it will be a lot better than obs, especially without the lore holding you back. also i love the events in the background
  • @MultiColors
    I respect this decision. Lore and bigger things are always hard to work on, and I WOULD KNOW. Sad that OBS is not continuing, I loved the characters and the plot wasn't too hard to rap my head around once I got here, and it was fun piecing everything together. It's been a wild ride. I will be here for the next chapter in the "SACRIVERSE!!!!1!1!"
  • @ChocoJiffle
    It looks like OBS is now the new hfjONE at this point. Both left with a cliffhanger! But I can't wait for BURNER, though.
  • i actually understand, ive always loved your content for around like a year now., and no matter what youve done ive always gotten excited for every upload, i even got inspired to try animating a couple of times because of you : D ., i didnt get into it but youve always been so talented and im really sorry its felt that youve been pushed into such a corner to restrict your fun, i will always love and support your content no matter what you make and only you can choose what to make next and i will always look forward to it.,, EXCITED FOR BURNERRR!!! : ) THANK YOU FOR BEING., LIKE ., MY FAVOURITE YOUTUBER., SACRI.,, AHWH YEHAH does a little dance., awhh yeah awhhh yeahhh mannn ahwy eyahhh slayy queenn - from mil kshake
  • it’s sad that all the big lore stuff is canceled but it does make sense. i wish you luck with burner, and hopefully everyone else does too! excited to see it ^_^
  • @pesto77
    I understand the lore was almost trying to force you into a position you didnt like as much, and i appreciate you being open about it! Can’t wait for BURNER and other videos you have in store!
  • @Fr33Aky
    that's fine, your health really matters!!you inspired me to make my own object show !! So thank you for all the effort you and your team have put into the show ♥️
  • @KrustXD
    honestly glad you can stand up for yourself and not get forced to make what people wants from you. keep doing what you want sacri i'll support you for what you do!
  • @sillyswrdd
    i completely understand. While I love obs, and all the happy star lore, it would be hypocritical for me to complain. I’ve abandoned more stories than I probably KNOW ABOUT, honestly. I’m proud of you for saying this. While I’ll still make fan content, (and let’s be honest - there will be fan continuations out there) I’m excited to see what awaits in the next chapter. Good on you, Sacri.
  • @ObjectIsCool
    i cant believe it’s been a year since obs was cancelled.. i still really respect your decision, but i’m always gonna be sad that we never got to see 7b. maybe at some point we could see what was going to happen in 7b though? not like an actual episode just something you can read over instead of trusting some dude on the wiki. idk
  • Ive always loved OBS since i found it, but if the creator does not want to continue it, ill accept it. Im happy sacr-The Cooltastic Snail took the time to make this message, so now Sacri can move on to what they really feel like making. And i will still be here for the new videos that Sacri decides to make! Also was the OBS cast trying to destroy Buldozey-
  • @LemonBluez
    Proud of you, Sacri. While I will definitely miss OBS and all of these characters, I understand how you might feel unhappy continuing this story and this ongoing lore that's been around for a bit. Hopefully you more enjoy working on projects like BURNER, and I'm very excited to see what you come up with!! Keep up the good work :)
  • @MR793NR
    Unfortunate to see OBS get canceled, but I'm glad you had the courage to stop something that you're not proud of or wanted to do. Hope your future endeavors go well dude! You're a rlly talented person