The Death of 2000's Neon Deviantart Furry MMOs

Today we discuss the now extinct 2000's-era neon-furry-sparkledog-emo-deviantart-roleplay-wolf MMOs, and the bizarre and turbulent stories behind their downfalls.

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FeralHeart Soundtrack

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All credit goes to the musicians and composers!

コメント (21)
  • @Izzzyzzz
    YES I KNOW THE MUSIC IS FROM CATZ originally all the music was from FH but I had to cut a decent portion out bc of copyright and I forgot to change the description. Smh y’all thinking I don’t know my Petz Catz 2 music... shame on you
  • I always pretended I was a chicken on feral heart, and people got mad at me for interrupting their intense roleplays so they pretended to kill me.
  • @ghostie._
    I never thought my cringy childhood was going to be a small youtube documentary and here I am watching it, god this makes me itchy and teary eyed, I miss impressive title, feral heart and aro'kai...
  • Funfact: I met a special person in feral heart and now we live together and are engaged. Also I would totaly pay for a good/high quality animal MMO, so pleeeeaaase let there be something like this in the future ;-;
  • Remember those "ADOPT A PUP" or "FIND A MATE" people who just sat there
  • I have suddenly become interested into this extremely random topic which I will litterally never need to know about
  • @Reblod
    I was there when FeralHeart died...I watched it happen I remember that slowly, over time, there were less and less people and where you could once find huge groups of people and chat with them it was basically a ghost town. T'was a simpler time, staying up late on a school night on my parent's computer roleplaying my little heart out. I remember it feeling so lonely after everyone left
  • @kovyvuri
    UPDATE ABOUT FH! Kovu has released the source code to what can be described as the rebirth of classing FH; FHU! Feral Heart Unleashed is currently up in beta, and improvements are being made.
  • @indiji
    Honestly we need more silly, customizable furry MMOs again
  • The comment section is filled with scene kids, warrior cat kids, and furries and I'm living for it XD
  • @flfb
    My favourite one was The Endless Forest. You couldn't actually do anything in the game, and it was notorious for the dev team's decision to restrict all communication between players to emotes - absolutely no chat function. You played as a fawn that, after about a month of irl time, would age into a stag. You couldn't customise your stag unless you managed to convince another player to use forest magic on you for an effect- difficult when you can't chat, but not impossible. It was so relaxing and quite lovely to look at. The dev team was massively into hands-on development: they'd host events on the server where their avatars (in-game Gods) would make incredible magic happen that was never seen otherwise. I think I remember a concert happening once in game. It was kinda more of an art piece than an MMORPG. From what I remember, it actually was featured in a few art galleries at its height.
  • 15:52 is my screenshot of my old school computer, you can see one of the tabs open of a class assignment I wasn’t doing. I was too busy being the grey wolf in that picture. I remember making it and having to keep remaking it because someone took my color before I could so I went with grey because no one else wanted it. I also had to temp block a ton of people to get a clear pic because everyone was jumping around us.
  • @Haiylin
    Shout out to all the kids with little to no parental supervision that played Impressive Title, Feral Heart, Arokai, Cereal Soup, Alicia online, Wolf Quest, Furcadia, Endless forest and Warrior cats game
  • @Anvandiel
    "the reception was... Bad" Listen, I've never heard about this game in my entire life and was never really into anthropomorphic animal roleplay and even I felt betrayed by that return announcement from Kovu lmao
  • Shout out the the Link Drowned roleplayer who spent the entire day hanging out with me even with my poor english, the patchwork eevee-evolution creepypasta. I always waited for you at the spawn following that. Never seen you again but I hope you're doing well. Your writing is surely still superb! 💚
  • @kaillah
    Here is a short story about how I became kinda infamous on FeralHeart: So I was somewhere around 10-12 years old. I just started playing FeralHeart and had discovered their map maker. I made a few maps for my friends to enjoy including one with giant butterflies that had portals on them. (we roleplayed that they would fly you over to next map) The issue was the butterfly model couldn't be placed low enough on the ground to be reached without wings without it clipping through. So I added collision boxes to the tree model that came with the game so players could easily climb on them and jump over to the butterfly. Little did I know that doing so would actually affect models on the official maps. Needless to say I abused this new superpower alot and climbed onto the parts of the said tree model where you usually could not. I of course shared my methods with everyone who asked and shortly after I was not the only one doing this. Few days later I was contacted by mod through chat, but I did not know how to respond to them as they were ignoring (or not seeing) messages I sent to regular chat and I did not know which channel to use to speak to them. The got angry, accused me of "hacking the game" and I got permanently banned from the forums and had a pretty long ban from the game. I think I remain banned on the forums to this day. And that is a story of how a little child hacked FeralHeart and caused a lot of trouble. In all fairness, if your game can be hacked by a 10 yo with 0 coding skills, you deserve it.
  • all these games: exist Animal Jam: I’m gonna ruin this man’s whole career
  • Man, this is a trip. I used to play Feralheart every single day after school. I wasn't a scene kid, but I was a Warrior Cat kid, and that's ALL I roleplayed. I still draw my character Wildstar once in a while for nostalgic purposes, haha.
  • This is a little bizzare and off topic, but your channel has really helped me find inspiration for art again. I just finished my senior AP portfolio about a month ago and I've just been feeling horribly bored with my art and uninspired. Something about the combination of your makeup, the nostalgic topics you discuss, and the retrospective you give really reminds me of everything that inspired me to make art when I was a weird little middle schooler. I feel motivation to create, and honestly I just wanna say thank you! :^D