Lost Gospels of the Hebrews

Published 2022-11-29
The Apostle Paul argued that Christians were not required to follow the law of Moses (including circumcision and keeping kosher). However, many Christian contemporaries disagreed and groups that continued to follow Mosaic law survived for many centuries. Although their scriptures have been lost, many fragments remain. John Hamer of Toronto Centre Place will survey what we can know about the lost gospels of the Hebrews, the Ebionites, and the Nazoreans.

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All Comments (21)
  • @rightousliving
    I’ve been following these lectures for a while now and am impressed at the high quality of the teachings. There’s a lot of work that must have gone into preparing these lectures. Thank you so much, I learned so much in these already.
  • Thank you so much. You are doing a very unique & important service by pointing out that there were several different early Christian traditions, and that the Catholic/Orthodox versions of history are AT BEST a "gloss" that papers over actual historical truth.
  • @amayoka
    Mathew 5:17: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them"
  • Love these lectures, great job! Between John Hamer here, and James Tabor's channel, it's amazing to have this high quality education/discussion on theological topics. Thanks!
  • @VSP4591
    Excelent presentation. Well documented and coherent. Well done John.
  • Beautiful presentation, its a real work of art how you managed to compare the pre-synoptic texts. The spirit of Yacov the pious watches over you and smiles that he was not forgotten.
  • @carytodd7211
    Terrific presentation. Thoroughly interesting with tantalizing clues betraying the diversity of early Christianity.
  • @lazmotron
    Great Channel Great Video. Just what I have been looking for.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • One would have to say the Ebionites came first. Many scholars point them to being the original followers of James the brother of Jesus and Eisenman clearly shows it. The Jerusalem Church under James BEFORE Paul ever came along had a name, the followers just didn’t die off or convert to Paul’s church and give up their Jewish ways, they are the Ebionites. Both sects of Jesus and John the Baptist survived into our modern times over in the Middle East and have not died out
  • Another fantastic talk. Thank you so much for all the historical context and all the work you do. There is so much that people don't know about how all this came about. Much appreciated. Can't wait for the next one.
  • The disciples are consistently portrayed in the Gospels we have as being uncomprehending and totally misguided, including Peter. Remember the ‘get behind me Satan’ directed at Peter who he had just allegedly founded his ‘church’ upon. And as for the brother of Jesus why should he have any especial authority considering that Jesus had repudiated his family and warned us that his followers would find their close friends and family to be their worst enemies. Listen to Jesus not Paul, not Peter, not James the ‘Just’ and whoever else attempts to assume unearned influence. Where two or three are gathered in my name there am I in the midst. That is what he meant by his church. Proximity to Jesus in the flesh confers no authority whatsoever. That is the message of the Gospel.
  • @DiscipleToki
    Centre Place, please open a location in the Greater Portland area of Maine. 🥺