Woman taken off Dallas flight after outburst that went viral on TikTok

Published 2023-07-06
The video shared on TikTok showed a woman walking to the front of the plane shouting that mother f----- in the back of the plane is "not real."

All Comments (21)
  • Nothing scarier than being afraid of something and then being accused of being drunk or schizophrenic and being made fun of. She definitely didn’t seem drunk to me.
  • Find her and interview her!!! We all want to know what the person did that frightened her so bad. It went viral so obviously there's a lot of interest to hear her explanation.
  • @ryankelly1826
    I would’ve never felt comfortable on that flight after this, I would’ve been out
  • When someone tells me something weird, I tend to listen, no matter how they got to their conclusion. Too many unknowns to discount all the creepy stuff.
  • @signsofplay
    Why is everyone so quick to say something is wrong with her? Let’s find out what she was terrified of! She exited her flight because of this! She was serious!
  • @godisgood5472
    She seemed more sincere when alerting everyone on that plane about someone not being real then she did giving her apology. Her apology seemed as if she was made to do it instead of wanting to do it. 🙏💙♥️
  • @vickihill8935
    Omg. Any woman that is willing to leave all her luggage and deplane herself ! I’m going w her. I don’t care if she is wrong. I’m going. I’d rather be safe than die w a lizard.
  • @dbz739921
    What's not real are these damn high gas prices
  • @Cooliron24
    There are rumors going around that she is missing now, there's also another video of this happening to a man on a British Airline and he was so freaked out it took three guys to bring him down to the floor. That plane was in flight he was so scared that he wanted to open up the door and leave the plane, I have a feeling we're going to see more of this.
  • @vickihill8935
    She wasn’t removed. She got off. She demanded to be let off.
  • 10 years ago, I would have said she was crazy. Now, knowing what we know about the current fall of civilization, I'm right behind her. Call me crazy now but, you will call me right later.
  • @VoodooRaven72
    This woman saw something 100%! Whatever it was she experienced, we will most likely never know. I would have been following her right off that plane without hesitation!
  • @1776Rob2012
    What this clip fails to outline is that this woman was claiming to have witnessed a passenger (wearing a green hoodie) face/facial morph into and out of a reptillian type animal. A real shapeshifter. Honestly, I do believe her.
  • She’s a better person than I am. I just pick up and leave when I see something that doesn’t fit. I don’t warn anyone about anything. If people see you panic, they’ll cause a rush, and then you’ll never get out. Calmly get up, walk away, find your way home, and stay quiet about what happened. “Hell nah. I didn’t see those aliens landing.”
  • @emmanuel5747
    The non human entities are living among us folks. Clay and iron are living together now (Daniel 2:43). There will be more of these sightings. The end is near.