Going to Hamvention? Here are a few tips. - Ria's Ham Shack radio show

Published 2023-05-13
Original Air Date - May 12, 2023

This week Ria talks about Dayton Hamvention, past, present and future. 

Ria's Ham Shack always airs first on WRMI Legends every Friday 6PM ET/5PM CT (2100 UTC) on WRMI shortwave radio 5050kHz and 5950kHz AM Shortwave.

All Comments (6)
  • Ria, Great Episode. Good Luck on the new ICOM radio. 73 DE Mark/N4VER.
  • @revkrull
    Getting back into the hobby after a 20+ year hiatus. My last Hamvention was at Hara. The tornado finished what time and neglect started. I can't wait to see how it plays at the Greene County Fairgrounds. Ria, you have helped me get back up to speed. Hope to meet you and say hello.
  • Aloha Ria, I ❤ this new format that you used for today’s YT platform. I’m not going to Dayton because I will be in Washington DC from May 23 -June 6 for Veterans Memorial Day weekend. Plus I’m planning to bring my Xiegu G90 to learn to do POTA’s. I think a lot of Hams, new, old, experienced or otherwise, are overwhelmed by all the new directions this hobby has taken in the last couple of years. Example, I’ve been using a MMDVM Zumspot for years but just stopped working last year and now I’m shopping for a new one but even that has changed. Now I’m looking at a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W TR, to use with my Icom IC-80AD as a mobile pocket repeater. Many Hams today must think about shipping costs and think more wisely about what areas of Amateur radio they want to learn about and what would benefit them the most. You mentioned SubStack, I got into SubStack last year to get solid info on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I subbed you on this platform also. One thing every Ham should consider is age and time, meaning how much time are you willing to give to this hobby and whether age matters or not? Location of a person’s residence is a major factor with this hobby also. What is allowed as far as antennas since more Hams are now effected by HOA Restrictions than ever before and ARRL’s lack of ability to help those in Amateur radio who fall under those draconian or harsh restrictions but are still looked upon for help during disaster type or weather related events and/or crisis events. Ria, I ❤ watching your channels because you are part of my authorial figures that I look to for valid and critical information in this hobby and that will never change. A big Mahalo to you for all that you offer to Amateur Radio! Todd Wilson de WH6DWF Member of ARRL A1 Op Club Honolulu, Hawaii 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸